Original Power believes that it is our right and responsibility, as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, to care for country.
We are not prepared to see our lands and waters defined by their potential mineral value or the boundaries of our nations reduced to a gas reserve, a shale basin, a coal deposit. It is not who we are.
Our power comes from our country and we need to defend it.
We need to challenge the legacies of colonisation that have disrupted our capacity to make our own decisions on our terms, and stand up for the lands and waters that sustain us.
We need to rebuild our power by respecting our elders, building our young mob, bringing our communities together, and strengthening our connection to country and culture.
We need to decide which projects we give consent to and ensure they are owned by and benefit our communities now and into the future.
Original Power works with a number of partners, organisations and communities.
If your community is being presented with an opportunity or challenge to protect your country, and you need some back up, we may be able to provide some support. Contact us.